Autumn Festival 2025
Applications due by 2 March 2025
Student Workshop Classes @ MLC, Barkers Road in Kew
Sunday 6, Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April – all enrolled students attend at least 2 group classes on all three days
Guest tutors: Naoki Sando (violin, Japan) & Haruo Goto (violin, NSW), Kasia Borowiak (piano, UK), Sally-Anne Browne (cello, NZ).
Autumn Festival 2025 financial bursaries – a limited number or full or partial bursaries for student programs is available to 2025 Suzuki Music (Vic) members and applications for this close on Friday 21 February at 4pm. Please download and complete the application form here.
Families and teachers who wish to discuss a payment plan to attend Festival must contact Suzuki Music by 2:00pm Friday 21 February. A small administration fee will be payable on top of program fees, and the payment will be split into three instalments which must be paid by the end of March via a credit card. A formal contract will be issued and signed before a payment plan agreement can be entered into.
Classes for
- Violin and Viola
- Piano
- Cello
- Flute
- Guitar (Book 1 to 4 only)
- Different programs depending on instrument and book level (see below)
- Optional auditioned concert participation (Gala (Advanced Program Solo) Concert book 6 (cello, flute and piano) or book 8+ (violin) and above on Festival instrument; Ensemble Concert – all levels)
- Final concert – all together concert in the Assembly Hall at MLC
- Parent talks (which take place during some student classes; approx. 4 sessions will be offered during Festival)
- Optional individual masterclasses with guest tutors (additional fee applies; lessons open to observation by teachers enrolled in PD program) – masterclass enrolments will be taken closer to Festival and all enrolled Festival families will be advised details
- Students choose ONE instrument to enrol upon.
Enrolment closing date: 11:59pm AEDT 2 March 2025 for teacher and student programs. Please note that enrolments may cease to be taken at any time subject to available places. Late enrolment fees apply after the closing date.
Please note that a responsible adult must be on site at all times as a supervisor for enrolled students. One adult may be listed as the supervisor for multiple children. Supervisors must not leave the school grounds without organising another attending adult to supervise their child or children while they are gone.
General student class timetable: Sunday to Tuesday inclusive
Specific timetables for students will not be determined until very close to the Festival event. This general timetable will assist families in planning their day until they are provided with the specific timetable for each enrolled child. Please refer to the student programs to determine how many sessions your child will be in attendance for. Please note that students who are in attendance for 2 or 3 sessions as part of their junior or intermediate, may not necessarily be allocated to consecutive sessions due to room usage constraints. During breaks, children are able to play or wait in the school grounds (within the senior school only) or observe classes that are in process.
- 1:15 – 2:00pm Session 1
- 2:15 – 3:00pm Session 2
- 3:30 – 4:15pm Session 3
- 4:30 – 5:15pm Session 4
- 6:00 – 8:00pm Gala Concert (auditioned, advanced program performers)
- 9:30 – 10:15am Session 1
- 10:30 – 11:15am Session 2
- 11:45am – 12:30pm Session 3
- 1:15 – 2:00pm Session 4
- 3:00pm Monday – Ensemble Concert (auditioned); Tuesday – Final Concert (all students; tuning from 2:30pm in Assembly Hall)
Student programs - Violin/Viola/Cello/Flute
- Junior Program (book 1, including twinkle and pre-twinkle students) – two classes (or sessions) each day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – $360 per student
- Intermediate Program (books 2 to 5) – three classes (or sessions) each day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – $465 per student
- Advanced Program (books 6 and above) – four classes (or sessions) each day Sunday, Mondayand Tuesday – $570 per student
Student programs - Guitar
- Junior Program (book 1, including twinkle and pre-twinkle students AND guitar students in book 2 who are not reading in Position 1) – two classes (or sessions) each day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – $360 per student
- Intermediate Program (books 2 [reading in Position 1] to 4) – three classes (or sessions) each day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – $465 per student
Student programs - Piano
- Junior Program (Book 1, including twinkle and pre-twinkle students to book 3) – two classes (or sessions) each day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – $360 per student
- Intermediate Program (books 4 and above) – three classes (or sessions) each day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – $465 per student
Suzuki Teacher Professional Development Program @ MLC, Barkers Road in Kew plus online sessions.
Extensive program for Suzuki trained teachers including 11 hours of professional development (instrument specific and general), observation of group and individual classes, concerts and time with colleagues. All in person and Zoom PD sessions (excluding tonalisation) will be recorded and uploaded for later online viewing. No student classes nor individual lessons will be recorded.
Sunday 6 to Wednesday 9 April inclusive ($500 per teacher)
Violin & Viola Program
- 4 hours in person Violin PD (Wednesday 9 April, 9:00am to 2:30pm)
- 4 hours in person All Instruments PD (Sunday 6 April 9am to 11:15am AND Wednesday 9 April 2:45 – 5:00pm)
- 1.5 hours in person Tonalisation (Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 April; prior to student classes)
- 1.5 hours of live Zoom All Instruments PD TBA
- Observation of individual student masterclasses subject to enrolments (During scheduled pd sessions Sunday 6 April and/or Wednesday 9 April, TBA)
- Observation of student group classes (Sunday 6 April 1:45pm – 4:45pm, Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April, 9:30am – 2:00pm)
- Festival concerts (Sunday 6 April 6:00 – 8:00pm Gala concert, Monday 7 April 3:00 – 5:00 Ensemble concert, Tuesday 8 April 2:30 – 5:00 Final Concert)
Piano Program
- 4 hours in person Piano PD (Wednesday 9 April, 9:00am to 2:30pm)
- 4 hours in person All Instruments PD (Sunday 6 April 9am to 11:15am AND Wednesday 9 April 2:45 to 5:00pm)
- 1.5 hours in person Tonalisation (Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 April; prior to student classes)
- 1.5 hours of live Zoom All Instruments PD TBA
- Observation of individual student masterclasses subject to enrolments (During scheduled pd sessions Sunday 6 April and/or Wednesday 9 April, TBA)
- Observation of student group classes (Sunday 6 April 1:45pm – 4:45pm, Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April, 9:30am – 2:00pm)
- Festival concerts (Sunday 6 April 6:00 – 8:00pm Gala concert, Monday 7 April 3:00 – 5:00 Ensemble concert, Tuesday 8 April 2:30 – 5:00 Final Concert)
Cello Program
- 4 hours in person Cello PD (Wednesday 9 April, 9:00 – 2:30pm)
- 4 hours in person All Instruments PD (Sunday 6 April 9am to 11:15am AND Wednesday 9 April 2:45 – 5:00pm)
- 1.5 hours in person Tonalisation (Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 April; prior to student classes)
- 1.5 hours of live Zoom All Instruments PD TBA
- Observation of individual student masterclasses subject to enrolments (During scheduled pd sessions Sunday 6 April and Wednesday 9 April, TBA)
- Observation of student group classes (Sunday 6 April 1:45pm – 4:45pm, Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April, 9:30am – 2:00pm)
- Festival concerts (Sunday 6 April 6:00 – 8:00pm Gala concert, Monday 7 April 3:00 – 5:00 Ensemble concert, Tuesday 8 April 2:30 – 5:00 Final Concert)
Flute Program
- 2.5 hours live Zoom Flute PD (Wednesday 9 April, from 9am – teachers at Festival venue in group and tutor on Zoom)
- 4 hours in person All Instruments PD (Sunday 6 April 9am to 11:15am AND Wednesday 9 April 2:45 – 5:00pm)
- 1.5 hours in person Tonalisation (Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 April; prior to student classes)
- 1.5 hours of live Zoom All Instruments PD, TBA after Festival
- Further !.5 hours of live Zoom Flute PD, TBA
- Observation of student group classes (Sunday 6 April 1:45pm – 4:45pm, Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April, 9:30am – 2:00pm)
- Festival concerts (Sunday 6 April 6:00 – 8:00pm Gala concert, Monday 7 April 3:00 – 5:00 Ensemble concert, Tuesday 8 April 2:30 – 5:00 Final Concert)
Guitar Program
- 2.5 hours live Zoom Guitar PD (Wednesday 9 April, from 9am – teachers at Festival venue in group and tutor on Zoom)
- 1.5 hours in person Tonalisation (Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 April; prior to student classes)
- 1.5 hours of live Zoom All Instruments PD, TBA after Festival
- Further 1.5 hours of live Zoom Guitar PD, TBA after Festival
- Observation of student group classes (Sunday 6 April 1:45pm – 4:45pm, Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April, 9:30am – 2:00pm)
- Festival concerts (Sunday 6 April 6:00 – 8:00pm Gala concert, Monday 7 April 3:00 – 5:00 Ensemble concert, Tuesday 8 April 2:30 – 5:00 Final Concert)
Please note that teacher pd programs are a set unit. Discounts are not able to provided where a teacher is not able to attend all days of their program or chooses not to attend in person.
Enrolment closing date: 11:59pm AEDT 2 March 2025. Please note that enrolments may cease to be taken at any time subject to available places. A late fee of $30 per application applies after 2 March and $50 per application after 23 March.
Food and drink
This year, we will be offering pre-ordered lunches which will be delivered to the venue, as well as organising a coffee van to be on site during the main Festival days. Please purchase pre-ordered lunches at the time of your festival application.
You are also welcome to bring your own food and drink but food or drink containing NUTS (eg almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnut, pecans, pistachio, walnut) or PEANUTS must not be brought to Festival.
Sunday to Wednesday hot Chinese food
Chinese hot food options from Tao Tao House $25 per dish including GST; special dietary requirements can be catered for.
- Black Bean Beef on Rice
- Scrambled Egg with Beef on Rice
- Mince Chicken on Rice with Corn Sauce
- Mixed Vegetables Bean Curd on Rice (Vegetarian)
- Mixed Vegetables Mushrooms on Rice (Vegetarian)
- Ma Po Tofu with Mince Chicken on Rice
- Roast Duck on Rice
- Special Fried Rice with Shrimps and BBQ Pork
- Singapore Noodles with Shrimps and BBQ Pork
- Fried Egg Noodles with Soy Sauce (Vegetarian)
- Teriyaki Chicken on Rice
Monday or Tuesday cold lunch box – no longer available on Wednesday
Lunch box from Tally Ho Catering $19 per adult lunch box (plus $2.50 for special dietary requirements) or $16 per child lunch box (plus $2.50 for special dietary requirements)
- Sandwich with 4 fillings (more simple fillings for the child lunch box option) and Fruit [for example an orange wedge with some grapes or strawberries
Autumn Festival Concert - Audition Information
- General Audition Information – concert auditions close 11:59pm Sunday 2 March
Each concert has specific requirements, as listed below, but in general the following requirements apply to all auditions. Audition can be submitted until 11:59pm AEDT Sunday 2 March, by simply purchasing an audition ticket from the Festival try booking page (using the orange register now button on this page) – no late fees will apply for auditions as late applications will not be accepted.
- Students must be enrolled to participate in Autumn Festival before (or at the same time as) they apply for an audition.
- Each separate audition (solo [gala concert only] or ensemble) attracts an audition fee of $50.
- Performers will be selected by a panel from the eligible audition recordings received by 11:59pm on Sunday 2 March. It is expected that a large number of students will audition for the Gala Concert. Only a small number of students who audition will be selected to perform.
- Auditions are to be video recordings which show the whole child or group (from the side for piano students showing the keyboard and front on for other instruments). Students or a member of the ensemble should announce their performance including their name and the name of the piece and the composer. For example, “My name is (given name) and today I will be performing (piece title) by (composer)”. Students should also bow before and after their audition performance.
- Audition recordings must be uploaded to YouTube and a link to an unlisted YouTube video must be submitted as part of your audition application through TryBooking before 11:59pm 2 March 2025. Auditions will not be accepted in other formats, including as an attachment to an email and will not be accepted without the YouTube link.
- Auditions are submitted by purchasing an audition ticket on the Festival TryBooking page at the same time as, or separate to, your festival program application. Ensemble auditions should be submitted by ONE person only.
- Audition performances must be played from memory and must be accompanied (live or recorded accompaniment) if the piece is written as an accompanied piece.
- Rehearsals with the concert accompanist for selected gala concert performers will need to be completed prior to Festival and will be at the expense of the family and paid to the accompanist at the rehearsal time.
- Audition results will be notified by 21 March by email using the email addresses provided in the registration. Gala concert solo audition results will also be notified to teachers of auditioning students.
- Gala concert auditions (solo auditions only) will be open to students enrolled in the most advanced program offered for their instrument and at a minimum book level of Book 8 for violin, and book 6 for all other instruments.
- Students should be performing their selected piece at an exceptional standard for their instrument and performers will be selected by a panel. It is anticipated that there will be a large number of auditions received and therefore not all students who audition will be offered a concert place.
- Students may only audition on the instrument for which they are enrolled in a Festival program.
- Pieces should be 5 minutes or less where possible. One performer may be selected to perform a piece up to 8 minutes duration. Where students are submitting an audition piece of duration more than 5 minutes but up to 8 minutes, they are encouraged to submit an alternative audition of less than 5 minutes duration and no additional fee will be charged for this.
- One BRIEF (2 to 3 minutes) soundcheck will be held on Sunday before the concert (exact times tbc but likely Sunday morning for accompanied items and during breaks for unaccompanied items).
Ensemble Concert (Concert 3:00pm, Monday 7 April)
- All student ensemble performers must be enrolled to participate in a student program at Autumn Festival 2025.
- Teacher ensemble performers must be enrolled to participate in a PD program at Autumn Festival 2025.
- Pieces should be 5 minutes or less where possible.
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
- Enrolments are only accepted from 2025 members of Suzuki Music in Victoria, or from members of their local Suzuki association if attending from interstate or internationally. Evidence of 2025 membership must be emailed to Suzuki Music for families or teachers who are not members of Suzuki Music in Victoria upon enrolling for Festival.
- Enrolment in Autumn Festival is taken as tacit acceptance of these terms and conditions.
- Withdrawals or cancellations received in writing via email before midnight on the closing date will receive a 50% credit note towards a future event or membership with Suzuki Music in Victoria. Withdrawals or cancellations received after the published closing date are not provided with any refund nor credit note unless evidence of significant family disruption (which may include illness or injury) that necessarily prevents the enrolled participant from attending any of the program (that is, they do not have an opportunity to attend at all on any of the Festival days) which may be considered for a partial credit provided a written request is made within 7 days of the conclusion of the event and written evidence of the disruption is provided. Please ensure that you and/or your child is available for the full program and that you are a 2025 Suzuki member before you enrol. Change of mind or not being a member of the association prior to enrolling is not a valid reason for a refund or credit note.
- Programs are offered as complete packages and, as such, no discounts are able to be given where a student or teacher is not able to attend all the days of their program.
- Festival enrolments are not transferable to another student or teacher.
- Festival audition enrolments are non-refundable and not eligible for credit for any reason.
- The tutor list is correct at the time of publishing (and updated throughout the enrolment process) but is subject to change without notice. Cancellations based on a change of tutor will not be accepted as a valid reason after the closing date.
- Student and teacher programs are subject to change, based on actual enrolments received.
- All enrolled children must be accompanied on campus by a responsible adult. As part of the registration process you will be asked to identify all adults who will be accompanying your child on any of the Festival days. One adult may be listed for multiple children.
- Photographs and videos of students in classes, concerts and during break times may be taken by an official Suzuki Music photographer for publicity purposes. Your enrolment in this event is taken as tacit agreement to this.
- Parents or caregivers may photograph or video only their own child at this event – videos or photographs of other children or any teachers are not permitted. We ask that you do not photograph or video your child if other children or teachers can be seen in the frame.
- Professional Development sessions will be recorded where possible. Technical errors and issues sometimes arise and may result in sessions not being recorded. Tonalisation sessions will NOT be recorded. Teachers who enrol in the PD program accept responsibility in the event they do not attend in person and sufficient recordings are not able to be made to complete professional development requirements.
- To the extent permitted by law, whilst all care is taken, no responsibility can be accepted by Suzuki Music nor MLC for damages to person or property arising from participation in this event.
- Enrolled persons are not permitted to use MLC Junior school playground equipment during Autumn Festival.